SPIE: Breast Cancer Diagnosis

Screenshot of the press release "New optical method promises faster, more accurate diagnosis of breast cancer" on the SPIE websiteBetween July and November of 2015, I acted as a public relations contractor for SPIE, the International Society for Optics and Photonics. My task was to review research articles published in SPIE’s eleven peer-reviewed scientific journals and identify the ones with potential mainstream appeal as science news items.

Then I produced a concise yet accurate summary of the article, explaining the research findings to a nonscientific audience. My work formed the basis for SPIE press releases disseminated to science news channels.

In this case, I wrote a summary of “Breast cancer diagnosis using spatial light interference microscopy,” published in the August 20, 2015 issue of the Journal of Biomedical Optics.

Download a PDF of the press release content I submitted to SPIE (255 KB).

The final press release disseminated by SPIE can be seen here. The press release was picked up by www.Phys.org and ScienceDaily.com.

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